The European Golf Association would like to draw your attention on practices and promises made to individual golf players and mainly promoted through websites.
Our official and only one name is:
European Golf Association
Membership to our association is open to officially recognised national golf federations, associations or unions (one per country). Also, the “EGA logo” as well as the name “EGA Handicap System” and the “EGA Handicap booklet” are protected brands within the European Union and Switzerland .
Any promise to grant a “recognised handicap” outside the realm of an official national golf federation or a card allowing play on golf courses throughout Europe may mislead players. Only handicaps issued by national golf federations, unions or associations are officially recognised by the European Golf Association .
Advertisement for a European handicap card for individual golfers allowing play on European courses is mainly a commercial venture without any benefit to the individual golfer.
We recommend our member federations keep their members informed in order to prevent any misunderstanding.
John C. Storjohann
General Secretary